1 – The website is not responsible for any errors resulting from the hasty examination of the product or the wrong use. Please look at this information and read it well, as there is no exchange or return policy available.

2 – The website is not responsible for any customs duties imposed on the product by the customs of the receiving country, and all customs fees and procedures shall be borne by the recipient.

3 – After the purchase and payment process, and in the event that the product is not available or the quantity is out of stock. The site gives you the right to choose any other product from the site with the same value, or you can send a request to return the amount, and the time period it takes to return the amount through the banks must be adhered to.

4 – The website is not responsible for any error in the delivery address or phone number. You must carefully check the address and phone number that you add during purchase.

5 – The website is not responsible for the buyer’s failure to receive the shipment from the shipping company.

6 – In the case of delivery to extremist regions and villages, the buyer is responsible for receiving it from the nearest city or governorate in his country.